Arms and ammunition is making waves in many countries today. People often ask why should a country buy arms and ammunition in a very large quantity when their inhabitants are poor and suffering. This argument always come when people examine the amount of arms and ammunition a single country has. In the United State for example, about 1/4 of its national budget go’s for defense purposes. This is to show how arms and ammunition is a top priority in the U.S in particular.
Just like the United State, Russia has one of the largest amount of arms and ammunition. More often, people are tempted to ask the reason for such amount of arms and ammunition. It is not wrong to say that the U.S and Russia are the highest countries who have invested much on firearms followed by China and the U.K. However, it is true that these countries mentioned above are the super powers in the world today.

Does Russia Have More Arms And Ammunition Than The U.S?
People always compare Russia and the U.S especially when it comes to arms and ammunition. These two countries are the worlds super powers and off course they are the gun and ammo center of the world. It is very hard to say who is better than the other or which country is a super power than the other. This is because arms and ammunition are classified in different categories. Moreover, the two countries have invested significantly much money in arms and ammunition.
This therefore means that the U.S might surpass Russia in terms of firearms and technology while Russia has more nuclei weapons and others. It is estimated that there are approximately 13,080 nuclei warheads in the world today.
This is far fewer than either the U.S or Russia possessed during their Cold War Peak. Unlike before, a lot of countries have begone keeping nuclei weapons than they did 30-40 years ago. Today, Russia and the United States possess roughly 90% of the worlds nuclei weapons with over 5,500 weapons each.
However, Russia says it has 6,257 nuclear war heads while the united states admits to having 5,550 nuclear war heads according to the Arms Control Association Report. The report shows that Russia has more nuclear warheads than the U.S. This does not however mean that Russia has more arms and ammunition or army force than the U.S.
Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?
Russia and Ukraine are Neighboring countries in Europe. These two countries have always have their long time problems around their borders. Over land, the border outlines five oblasts (regions) of Ukraine and five oblasts of the Russian Federation.
The modern day border issue has been going on for long ever since the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917. In May 2015 Ukraine Stated building a fortified border barrier on the Russia-Ukraine border known as Yatseniuk’s Wall.
This move by Ukraine came a year after Russia had annexed Crimean Peninsula in 2014 which was formally a Ukrainian territory. After a long while, Russia began racing concern on the amount of arms and ammunition Ukrainians were keeping.
The Russian President Putin hated such move by President Volodymyr Zelenshyy who even wanted to join NATO. Putin had earlier warn Zelensky not to join NATO probably because of his own motives. The President of Ukraine was keeping firearms to step up the defense of his country which however annoyed Moscow.
On Friday the 24 of February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine and the Russian President said he wanted to disarm Ukraine. This move was condemned by many countries like U.S, U.K, Germany, Poland just to name a few. The invasion of Ukraine have been considered as an aggressive act and Putin is the Aggressor said by Biden. Sanctions have been levied on Russia to make her stop the invasion of Ukraine. .
Does Ukraine Really Have Arms And Ammunition?
After the second world war many countries around the world started building their country taking into consideration the defense of their country. This was to prepare for any unforeseen circumstances or should any intruder intrude their territory.
Ukraine on its part had been keeping some considerable amount of arms and ammunition. Maybe It was because of the arms and ammunition they were keeping that led to their invasion. This is because Russia was afraid its neighbor was building a more powerful defense.
However, many countries have shown their solidarity and support for Ukraine to help boost their fighting morals. This comes after they had proved to the world that they can defend their country beyond reasonable doubts.
Will The United States Of America Attack Russia?
A lot of controversy with people wonder whether the U.S is going to attack Russia. People forget history so they make mistakes calling for the U.S to attack Russia. These are two supper powers and if such happens, it might lead to a world war. Nonetheless, President Biden have taken his stand that he is not going to attack Russia. This decision have been applauded by many Americans because they understand the implications and consequences that will follow if America attack Russia.
Moreover, many Ukrainians have thrown stones at Washington DC for not joining them fight against Russia. President Biden have reiterated that the world should continuously placing sanctions on Russia to force her stop the war in Ukraine. Sanctions China says it will cause more harm than good. Buy your arms and ammunition to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances. Contact us for your arms and ammunition and be safe.
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